Your audience will leave empowered to make a difference.

Empower your audience with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to make a tangible difference in the world.

Empower your audience with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to make a tangible difference in the world.


  • Transform fear into action with practical, impactful solutions. Feel more confident about what we read and our belief we can make a difference by understanding and mitigating our footprint for a healthier planet.

    Danielle innovatively addresses the mental health aspect of environmental concerns (eco-anxiety) amongst children and adults. In this presentation, Danielle educates audiences on media literacy and the truth about environmental issues and equips them with coping mechanisms. These are crucial for anyone suffering from eco-anxiety to foster resilience and promote mental wellness in the face of climate change.

    Your audience will be asked to participate in the Eco-Anxiety Survey ahead of time, and the aggregated results will be presented and used to personalize the content for them.

    Session Notes:
    Perfect for an interactive breakout session with Q&A. For longer time slots, we suggest opting for the Custom Keynote where multiple topics can be blended together.

  • Responsible Consumerism and Modern Sustainable Lifestyles share core content.

    Core Content:
    Audiences learn how to navigate the shift towards more eco-minded buying and consumption in their everyday life. In many ways, starting a sustainability journey is like starting a health regime or diet. This presentation uses this analogy to make “going sustainability” more relatable. Nothing happens over night; it’s a process but one worth taking. I unveil the power consumers possess to make a difference through their every purchase and how one person can impact climate change. Modern

    Responsible Consumerism Specific:
    Attendees leave with an action plan for everyday purchases.

    Session Notes:
    Perfect for an interactive breakout session with Q&A. For longer time slots, we suggest opting for the Custom Keynote where multiple topics can be blended together.

  • Responsible Consumerism and Modern Sustainable Lifestyles share core content.

    Core Content:
    Audiences learn how to navigate the shift towards more eco-minded buying and consumption in their everyday life. In many ways, starting a sustainability journey is like starting a health regime or diet. This presentation uses this analogy to make “going sustainability” more relatable. Nothing happens over night; it’s a process but one worth taking. I unveil the power consumers possess to make a difference through their every purchase and how one person can impact climate change.

    Modern Sustainable Lifestyle Specific:
    Attendees leave with an action plan for everyday purchases.

    Session Notes:
    Perfect for an interactive breakout session with Q&A. For longer time slots, we suggest opting for the Custom Keynote where multiple topics can be blended together.

  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela

    Through education, we can ward off unnecessary mental health issues (particularly eco-anxiety) by building up resilience and self-efficacy through environmental action, starting within their direct area of influence. Environmental Education should include Mental Well-being, Media Literacy, Communication, Leadership, and Behavior Science (Habit Formation) modules in addition to Environmental Action. By fostering an informed and proactive young generation, they will bring climate-smart habits into adulthood and be natural advocates for sustainable practices within their communities, cities, and workplaces.

    Let’s cultivate eco-action, not just eco-awareness, in these young minds. Through education, we equip youth with the knowledge and tools for the “how” part of sustainable living and environmental stewardship, ensuring they become eco-conscious leaders who walk their talk.

    Session Notes:
    Perfect for an interactive breakout session with Q&A. For longer time slots, we suggest opting for the Custom Keynote where multiple topics can be blended together.

  • Everything is customized for your event, your goals and the audience’s needs and interests. We co-create to ensure this is the event they remember for years. Tailored to inspire, transform, entertain, educate, empower, and motivate your audience to become changemakers. They leave knowing they can make a difference.

    Note: Our Eco-Anxiety Survey can be added to any presentation. Your audience will be asked to complete ahead of time, then the aggregated results will be presented and used to personalize the content for them.


  • As environmental concerns increasingly impact our mental health, innovative solutions are critical. The Eco-Activators App, currently in its MVP stage, is a Digital Health and Responsible Consumerism platform designed to empower everyday consumers to turn eco-anxiety into eco-action. This demonstration will showcase how we integrate technology and behavior science to transform modern consumer buying and consumption habits into Earth-minded ones.

    Attendees will get an exclusive look at the app's interactive features, designed to simplify complex environmental issues and inspire sustainable practices through gamified challenges and personalized learning paths. We will discuss the app's foundation billed on three core pillars: mental well-being, environmental education, and behavioral change, emphasizing how these pillars promote responsible consumerism and support UN SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

    This presentation marks the beginning of an exciting journey, inviting stakeholders in environmental, mental health, and education sectors to witness the birth of a transformative tool in environmental impact. Join us to see how The Eco-Activators App is setting the stage for everyday consumers to positive impact Earth’s health and create a more sustainable future.


    - Preview of The Eco-Activators App and its innovative approach to environmental impact.

    - Insight into the use of technology and behavior science in engaging and empowering everyday consumers.

    - The significance of addressing eco-anxiety with actionable solutions through digital innovation.

    Experience the unveiling of a groundbreaking app poised to transform the landscape of environmental education and action.

The goal is simple:

Send your audience back into the world with actionable next steps that empower them to make a measurable difference. Presentations are inspirational, story-driven, packed with insights and strategies (read: actions) to make this a reality.

Meet Danielle, the heart and soul behind Ms Sustainability and the revolutionary Eco-Activators App.

A spirited ecopreneur, advocate, and inspirational speaker committed to combating eco-anxiety and sparking proactive change. Raised in sunny Florida, her passion for nature and sustainability is innate. From exploring global ecosystems to experiencing that pivotal aha! moment amongst Greece's ancient ruins (pictured), her life’s journey led her to a stark realization: consumers have more power than they realize to impact planet health positively.

Danielle stands at the intersection of innovation and dedication to our planet, championing mental wellness, responsible consumerism, education, and environmental stewardship.

Her vision? To empower individuals—young and old—to forge a sustainable future through impactful, positive change.

Why Bring Danielle to Your Event?

Empowered Audiences

Attendees leave inspired, motivated, and equipped to make real-world changes as responsible consumers.

Transformative Experiences

Danielle's sessions are a dynamic blend of education, entertainment, and actionable steps toward sustainability.

Holistic Approach

Explores the interconnections between mental well-being, consumer habits, and planetary health.

Diverse Expertise

With a rich background in Chemical Engineering, Finance, and Entrepreneurship, Danielle bridges academic insight with environmental passion.

Custom-Designed Sessions

From in-person to virtual engagements, Danielle tailors her presentations to ignite a sustainable revolution in every attendee.

As a visionary leader and proactive doer, Danielle aims to empower everyday consumers
— children and adults alike — to create impactful, positive change!

As an Event Planner,
you have a
unique opportunity to magnify impact.
You’re one decision away…

It's time to be the change you want to see.

Elevate your event with Danielle's captivating presence and transformative message plus make a difference!
Ready to be a Changemaker?

Fill out the form below for inquiries. Our team will get back to you within 48 hours.

Speaker Inquires:

We’re in this together.

Redefining modern consumerism and creating a sustainable future.
No bull, no gimmicks, no greenwashing—just truth, encouragement, and action.

It's time to be the change you want to see in the world.