Your Perspective Matters!
Participate Today.

  • Eco-Anxiety in Adults

    We hypothesize that a significant portion of adults experience eco-anxiety related to environmental issues, and that by understanding the sources, impacts, and potential solutions to this anxiety, we can develop effective strategies to alleviate eco-anxiety and encourage eco-conscious behavior among adults.

    In appreciation for your time, you will receive our free resource:
    Sustainable Gatherings and Gift-Giving Guide.

  • Eco-Anxiety in Children

    We are exploring the thoughts and feelings of children aged 9 - 14 about the environment and environmental issues. Your insights are invaluable in helping us develop educational and empowering solutions for children in this age group. Please try to involve your child when responding to the.

    In appreciation for your time, you will receive our free resource:
    Mad-Libs: Future Eco-Activators!